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Create your own reply letters from Santa, Father Christmas or St NicholasReply Letters From Santa for children

About Reply Letters from Santa


Just in case you're interested ... !


Why did we create this 'Reply Letters from Santa' Website?

Here at the Reply Letters from Santa headquarters we all have young children who (as all children do!) love Christmas. We looked on the internet for this type of Letter from Santa and couldn't really find what we wanted. A lot of competitors' websites provide the opportunity for personalised letters, but to a very limited extent. We wanted to give you, the customer, the ability to create a much more personalised and bespoke letter for each child that you want to send a letter to. We found that when creating letters for two or three children in the same family, all of the letters would be the same - except for the Name, Sex of the child and the Main Present. We wanted to provide you with a much wider choice - whilst keeping the process of creating the letter as simple as possible.


What we offer that the others don't!

Apart from the magical 'Reindeer Dust' (which comes in a little sachet complete with an enchanting rhyme), we provide you with the opportunity to personalise your Reply Letter from Santa so that it is totally unique for each child you wish to send a letter to - and next year it can be different again! However, you don't have to provide answers to all of the questions - it's completely up to you. The more answers you give, the more options you will be given when creating your Reply Letter from Santa.


Options available for your personalised Reply Letter from Santa

As well as asking you for the name, age, sex and main present for the child to whom the letter is to be sent, we give you the opportunity to give us the following information:

  • Whether the letter is from Santa, Father Christmas or St Nicholas
  • Where the child will be sleeping on Christmas eve so that Santa can say that he'll deliver the presents there
  • Colour of the front door
  • Any distinguishing feature of the house - well, only Santa would know that wouldn't he!
  • Whether the house has an open fire and chimney - as we all know, some children worry how he will deliver the presents if there's no chimney!
  • If your child has already seen Santa this year, you can make reference to that
  • Whether your child has brothers and/or sisters or a pet - the letter can refer to them as well
  • Where the presents are to be put and in which room
  • The food/drink that is left out for Santa - and for Rudolph as well, of course.

When you are creating your personalised letter from Santa, you can choose as many or as few of the options as you would like to - the more you choose, the more personalised your Reply Letter from Santa can be!



The paper we use for Reply Letters from Santa - from the headed paper to the promotional material we use - is as environmentally-friendly as possible. Santa wants to do his bit to help the environment and be environmentally-friendly too!



In our research to provide you with this unique way of creating a Reply Letter from Santa we visited competitors' websites and ordered letters from them - some were better than others!


Our aim is to provide that 'wow' factor - firstly when the child receives the envelope containing the letter from Santa through the door - it looks like it really does come from the North Pole (an example is on our home page), and then when they read the contents of the letter - how does Santa know all this information about them??!


The letters and envelopes are printed on quality headed paper (uniquely designed for us by Santa's elves!) and the Reindeer Dust is specially packaged by some of Santa's other elves!


We hope that you and your children are extremely happy with the personalised reply letters that they receive from Santa and would welcome any feedback to help us improve our website and service.


Worldwide Appeal

In 2008, our first year of running this website, we sent over 2200 letters from Santa to children as far afield as Australia, Botswana, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, the US, the Ukraine as well as several European countries. In total we have sent out 63,036 letters so far. We have had some amazing comments from customers - some of which we have put on our testimonials page.


How Many Letters From Santa We've Processed This Year

So far during 2024 we have had 4 Reply Letters From Santa ordered


Yule Love This

Yule Love This is a family partnership which was set up in 2010 to take over the running and fulfilment of Reply Letters From Santa. Yule Love This aims to bring more fantastic products for Christmas (Yuletide) to your attention in the future. Click here for more information on Yule Love This.